In the path of my dreams
I can sometimes meet you
and so my soul is happier
and I can easily draw a smile
that cheats a bit my sad life.
In the path of my dreams
I can sometimes enjoy you
and so I can stop weeping
as I usually felt in the past
when we were a nice couple.
In the path of my dreams
I often kiss you with passion
and so I can think you seem
to be the only man of my life
from now up to the future.
In the path of my dreams
I notice you very fortunate
with me without reproaches
of my faults or indecisions
that hurt a little our idyll.
In the path of my dreams
there are not any problems
because we understand well
and we always make plans
to stay together with love.
In the path of my dreams
what a glad woman I am!
What a happiness we live!
What a romanticism we feel!
What a harmony we think
we´d be with us for ever!
In the path of my dreams
I can watch you all days
with your devotion for me
and also a big idealization.
In the path of my dreams
everything is always pink,
the world is the best place
to share gladly every minute
with love, caresses and kisses.